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Ever since our university started to participate in the SEA Teacher Project, i've always dreamt of becoming a part of it. During the 9th batch, our mentors gave a lot of requirements and set qualifications or standards before we could qualify to be a a part of the said project. We had to take a test and have our grades checked to ensure that the chosen participants are really 100% ready to be a pre-service student teacher exchange. There were 20 students who were interested to be part of the project but only 6 students were able to pass all the processes and qualifications. It was and will always be a privilege to be chosen as one of the participants.


I wouldn't want to miss experiencing what it's like to be a teacher in other country so I immediately grabbed the opportunity and when I was one of lucky students who passed, I ensure that I won't let it slip away. Who wouldn't want to teach and travel at the same? I knew that it was a great avenue for me to develop my skills and to discover more things that could help me excel in my chosen career and at the same time be able to share to the people whom I will meet those that i've learned in my university. After my SEA Teacher Project experience, I know that i will become more equipped to become the best teacher that I could be for my soon-to-be students. 

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